Fact-: 1 Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death in the world . it cause 1 in 10 death among adults worldwide. In year 2005 , tobacco caused 5.4 million death or an average of one death every 6 second. the death tool is projected to reach more than 8 million by 2030 if current trend continue.
Fact-: 2 Tobacco kills up half of its regular user. on average of 29 % of people around the world are smoking tobacco. smoking is more common among men-47.5% a compare to 10.3% of women.
Fact-:3 More than 80% of the world's more than one billion smokers live in low and middle income countries.
Fact-:4 Tobacco caused 100 million death in the 20th century. if current trends continue , there could be 1 billion death in the 21st century.
Fact:- 5 the smoke produce by burning tobacco product is known as second hand tobacco smoke or environmental tobacco smoke . tobacco smoke in enclosed spaces is breathed by everyone , exposing both smokers and Non-smokers to its harmful effected this is commonly refereed to as in voluntary smoking or Passive smoking.
Fact :-6 Second-Hand Tobacco smoke is dangerous to health . there are about 4000 known chemical in tobacco smoke. second hand smoke also cause heart disease and many serious respiratory and cardiovascular disease in adults which can lead to death.
Fact:-7 An estimated 700 million children , or almost half of the world's children , breath e air polluted by tobacco smoke , particularly at home. Second -hand smoke cause many serious disease in children and worsens conditions such as asthma.
Fact:-8 The International Labour Organization estimated that at least 200 000 workers die every year due to exposure to smoke at work. the United State Environmental Protection Agency estimates that second hand smoke is responsible for about 3000 lung cancer death annually among Non-smokers in the country.
Fact:-9 Exposure to second hand smoke also impose economic costs to individual businesses and society as a whole , in the form of direct and in direct medical costs and productivity losses.
Fact:-10 There is no safe level of exposure to second hand tobacco smoke . Neither ventilation nor filtration, even in combination , can reduce the exposure indoor to level s that are considered acceptable . only 100% smoke -free environment effective protection.
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Source Info
World Health Organization
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