The Factors Responsible For Heart Attack
Heart attack is a major serious disease for human being. Heart Attack disease is increasing mainly in urban areas because of advisement of life . people are in urban areas addicting themselves with junk foods which results further obesity and many serious diseases one of them is Heart Attack
Let's know what are the major factor responsible for Heart attack.
1. Uncontrolled and unbalanced diet.
2. Lack of regular exercise
3.not putting proper attention on quality of food.
4. sleep after eating foods
5. consume more amount of food which contain fat.
Consider the following point to save yourself from heart Attack.
1. Go for check after equal interval of time to your family doctor and consider the advice of Doctor.
2. Reduce the fat from your diet by avoiding fatty foods.
3. Control your weight according to your age and height so that you look fit.
4. Do sufficient exercise regularly , to burn calorie from your body.
5. Try to reduce tension so that your Heart work normally.