Tips To Quit Caffeine
Caffeine is a stimulating substance which stimulate our body when we consume it . caffeine is a drug , like any drug in order to free yourself from addiction. quitting caffeine requires strong will power from your site so write down your reason for quitting caffeine.
we can find some of the common reason which areas follow.
1. Increase hypertension risk
2. Keep liver busy from filtering other toxin substance
3. Tooth decay
4. Weak bones
Follow the following steps to quit caffeine.
1. Believe that it is possible to overcome your addiction also accept that the process will take as much time it takes.
2. Introduce green tea into your routine because green tea contain mild traces of caffeine.
3. Sit down and calculate how much time and money spending on caffeine and plan to do something other with that time and money.
4. Increase your consumption of water . this is epically important during first few days as body is adjusting.
5. You can set a schedule for yourself such as " 3 cup a day in first week : 2 cup in a day in second week; .........