Tips To Keep Your Child Healthy
Every parents cares their child and always desire to keep child healthy,good health of child is depend upon how much seriousness of parents towards good health?
Following point will help parents to keep their child healthy.
1. First parents make sure that child gets enough sleep. according to physician child should get minimum 10 hours of sleep every day. happy stories before bed time would help child for good sleep.
2. Always eat good food and drink plenty of water so that your child learn from you and develop good eating habit.
3. Keep away your child from junk foods because these food promotes obesity.
4. Allow your kids to play outside for good physical fitness. if you enroll your child in team sport such as Karate , Gymnastics, or that would be very good for your child
5.Keep sharp eye on your child for How much time your child spending on TV , Internet , online gaming.
6. Always keep away your child from smokers that may responsible for many respiratory disease .
7. Take your child to see a physician for annual checkup.
8. If you child is sick then do not send them to school. allow them to complete rest.