Tips To Save Yourself From Cancer

Cancer is the one of the most dangerous disease in the world , in general Cancer cause due to unwanted growth of cells which result tumour.there are many type of Cancer like Blood Cancer, Bone Cancer, Brest Cancer etc.currently there is no any successful medicine for Cancer till now but treatment of cancer is possible during it's starting stage.if we take some precaution we can avoid Cancer up to some level.

Follow the following steps to save yourself from cancer.

1. don't make physical contact with the person who is infected with papilama virus.

2. Eat the vegetable which contain fiber in large amount because fibre improve our immunity power.

3. Use cooking oil which contain less amount of fat. try to use olive oil fro cooking.

4.women should avoid long term use of emergency contraceptive Pill because it may result risk of Brest and liver cancer. women should also control their weight because tit may responsible for Brest cancer.

5. Do not take tobacco in any form like cigarette, cigar etc because tobacco is major responsible for Brest Cancer.

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